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Η influencer με ύψος μόνο 1,04μ.

Πάντα πρώτη θέση στις μεγαλύτερες επιδείξεις μόδας

Η influencer με ύψος μόνο 1,04μ.


Η νάνος Sinead Burke ανέβηκε στη πασαρέλα στο show της Βικτόριας Μπέκαμ και το κοινό δεν σταμάτησε να χειροκροτεί για σχεδόν 15 λεπτά.


Είναι μόλις 1,04μ. πάσχει από αχονδροπλασία τη πιο συχνή μορφή νανισμού, αλλά η όρεξη της για ζωή, την ψηλώνει στα μάτια όλων.

Η επιμονή της ήταν που την οδήγησε να έχει φορέσει των πιο λαμπερών brands, αφού η γκαρνταρόμπα της επιδεικνύει κομμάτια Burberry, Gucci, Prada, Ferragamo και Christopher Kane.

Η Sinead Burke κληρονόμησε την αχονδροπλασία από τον πατέρα της, ενώ κανένα από τα 4 αδέλφια της δεν εμφάνισαν ποτέ συμπτώματα.


Στα 11 όταν ξεκίνησε εξετάσεις για να υποβληθεί σε επέμβαση για να ψηλώσει, γύρισε και είπε στους γονείς της, ότι δεν θέλει να χειρουργηθεί για να αρέσει στους άλλους. «Αν κάποιος δεν με συμπαθεί επειδή είμαι 1,04 μ., αυτό δεν είναι δικό μου πρόβλημα», ήταν τα λόγια της.

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

It was my first @victoriabeckham show and I was somewhat thrilled to be there... I’m not sure if you can tell. @leofaria caught me with a grin stretching across my face. . . A couple of weeks ago, I had the great privilege of visiting the Victoria Beckham atelier to meet with the design team to think on how this look might be and what shape it could take. I wear print on occasion, not sure why, but when I saw the polka dot swatches, it was all I could focus on. The ensemble is a beautiful silk shirt with invisible buttons and a silk pleated skirt, with two additional inches at the rear, to allow for my curved spine / derrière. Thank you to Victoria, Florence, Ruth, Natalie, Edward, Daniel and all of Team VB. . . [Image description: Two images of me walking into the Victoria Beckham show. The first, I’m looking up and beaming at an unsuspecting stranger. I’m walking with confidence and slight nervousness that I’ll be late. The second photograph captures me leaving the show, in a profile shot, and wonderfully frames my proportions as an old gentleman walks in the opposite direction and all you can see are legs and one sleeve / hand. This look originally cane with a diamond-shaped scarf to wrap around one’s neck. I pinned it to the back of my collar, as a cape - it was my mother’s idea.]

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Sinéad Burke (@thesineadburke) στις

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I gasped when I saw this. It made me stop, in the middle of Rue Saint-Jacques here in Paris and take a deep breath. Since I was a teenager, I’ve kept a list of ambitions and objectives that only in my wildest dreams could I hope to achieve. At the very top of the list is being on the cover of Vogue magazine. I was even specific about the issue - September. My ambition has never been to-scale. • The realisation of this dream has required a huge amount of hard work, support from family and friends, and an enormous belief and confidence in myself and those whom I admire that the world and society can and will change. • Since the cover was unveiled, the response has been overwhelmingly supportive, uplifting, and really quite emotional. Parents of little people have sent me photographs of their babies holding the magazine tightly to their chests. Teenagers who look like me have got in touch to ask questions about how they can work in fashion and disabled people from every corner of the world have appeared in my DMs articulating the power of representation and their hope that greater visibility will extend to all intersections and disabilities. • There is a privilege but a responsibility with being the first to achieve or accomplish any accolade. My hope is that fashion magazines become a haven and an incubator for conversations narrated by and about disabled people. That although it has taken until 2019 for such a first to occur, the second, third, fourth and fifth appearance of minority voices and bodies will populate the glossy pages imminently. • Thank you @sussexroyal & @britishvogue. • Photographed by @therealpeterlindbergh, styled by @edward_enninful, make-up by @thevalgarland, hair by @sergenormant and manicure by @lorrainevgriffin. The video (I’ll be positing it tomorrow) is edited and directed by @kloss_films. • [Image Description: My own Vogue cover. Me on the cover of Vogue Magazine. Literally. My sixteenth of the September issue of British Vogue inflated to a single digital cover. I’m leaning on an apple box, wearing a custom @Burberry silk trench. I’m staring down the lens, attempting confidence and sensuality. Let’s be honest, I’m nailing it.]

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Sinéad Burke (@thesineadburke) στις

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The Spice Girls catalogue was the soundbed for my maturation. It was so powerful to be a young woman in an era where a phrase like “Girl Power” was not just heard in the playground of an all-girls school, but it was part of the cultural lexicon. As I’ve got older, I’ve continued to admire @victoriabeckham. (I even told @timblanks in @bof that she’s the reason I have a bob.) Victoria’s ambition and tenacity is contagious. Spending time with her recently talking about how we can each do more to amplify voices and use our influence to ensure that inclusion isn’t just a moment but a movement was a true privilege. Thank you, Victoria! . . [Image description: Two photos of Victoria Beckham and I posing in VB HQ. The first, we are signalling the Girl Power peace sign that I have been practicing for two decades. The second, we’re smizing. I still need practice on that one.] 📷 @natalielewis13w


Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Sinéad Burke (@thesineadburke) στις

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Last night was one of those moments that you dream of. Thank you so much, @alessandro_michele, Marco Bizzarri and all at @gucci for a night that I won’t ever forget. Attending the #MetGala as a little person (and the first one ever, at that), Anna Wintour, @voguemagazine and Gucci had such empathy and openness in thinking broadly about my accessibility needs. Prior to last night, I practised the stairs, and did an accessibility audit of the seating, bathrooms, elevators and corridors to figure out where and how we could ensure that I was as independent as possible on this very glamorous night. (Speaking of glamorous – my footstools have been decorated to seamlessly blend with the Met Gala furniture.) . . I wrote about my experience for @britishvogue. On my dress, “There have been very few moments in pop culture where a woman like me has had agency over her own aesthetic. We were careful that what I’m wearing was not a costume but a reflection of me as a person and a way in which I could communicate my advocacy to the world.” . . Thank you to @caitni and @tcs_daniel for everything. Thank so much to @vockandvintage for the breathtaking diamond earrings and diamond / sapphire ring. I’ve never felt more powerful. . . [Image description: Standing on the red carpet of the #MetGala - what a sentence - I have my hands on my hips, wearing the most extraordinary black velvet gown, with accented shoulders, blue silk bows across my chest and of course, a beautiful gold crown!]

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Sinéad Burke (@thesineadburke) στις

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As a fan of alliteration, it seems silly not to caption this: “Sinéad at the Serpentine.” Thank you to @hansulrichobrist and the @serpentineuk for the kind invitation to celebrate Junya Ishimgami’s slate Pavilion. Thank you also to @gucci and @alessandro_michele for the most extraordinarily beautiful custom dress. . . Things I learned last night: the ways in which @fkatwigs collects clothes and wields them as armour is fascinating; Zadie Smith is as mesmerising and curious as one would hope; travel to the corners of the world to spend minutes with @museummammy; @lenadunham is the best person to gossip with about Love Island, specifically our admiration of Yewande and Maura; always discuss the challenges of making inclusive spaces accessible with @bbz_London; and finally, @zawe’s book should be on our collective to-be-read list. . . 💄: @megkoriat 💇🏻‍♀️: @marchella.mella . . [Image description: Standing at ‘step and repeat’ wall at the Serpentine, I’m wearing a beautiful pink chemise printed gown with pleated skirt, adorned with a 70’s Collar with small embroidery details.] 📷 Getty

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Sinéad Burke (@thesineadburke) στις

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