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Ο λογαριασμός του Instagram που θα σε κάνει να αισθανθείς καλύτερα


Ο λογαριασμός του Instagram που θα σε κάνει να αισθανθείς καλύτερα


Πολλές φορές τα νέα και οι ειδήσεις μπορεί να σε κάνουν να αισθανθείς άσχημα. Είναι τόσο παράξενη η φύση των ανθρώπων που πολλές φορές οι ειδήσεις είναι για θέματα όπως η βία, η καταστροφή του περιβάλλοντος, η διαφθορά και ο πόλεμος. Ο καλλιτέχνης Mauro Gatti είχε την ιδέα να δημιουργήσει κάποια illustrations που μπορούν να ανακουφίσουν τον αναγνώστη.


Δημιούργησε λοιπόν μια σειρά από αυτά και μαζί τους έναν λογαριασμό στο Instagram που μπορεί άμεσα να σου φτιάξει την διάθεση. Ο λογαριασμός The Happy Broadcast έχει φτάσει ήδη τους 220 χιλιάδες followers και κάτι μας λέει πως ο αριθμός θα συνεχίσει να αυξάνεται, καθώς εμπλουτίζεται συνεχώς με καλές ειδήσεις.

Το project του μετράει ήδη δυο χρόνια ζωής με την κοινότητα χρηστών να μεγαλώνει και να αλληλεπιδρά. Όπως δήλωσε ο Gatti στο mymodernmet.com, «Η κοινότητα συμμετέχει σε εποικοδομητικές συζητήσεις και αγαπά να μοιράζεται μικρές στιγμές χαράς που συναντούν κατά την διάρκεια της ημέρας».

Όπως αναφέρει ο ίδιος, το project είχε άμεση επίπτωση και στην δική του ψυχολογία. Και μάλιστα ετοιμάζει μια εφαρμογή και ένα βιβλίο για το 2020. Δείτε μερικές από τις δημιουργίες του που συνοδεύονται από ευχάριστα νέα.

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According to the World Health Organization, 844 million people across the globe lack access to clean drinking water and among them are more than 300,000 children who die every year due to water-born diseases. Non-governmental organization ‘GivePower’ has built its first solar water farm in Kenya, turning the region’s saltwater into clean and sustainable drinking water. the farm uses a filtrating system that desalinates the brackish liquid to produce enough water for 35,000 people every day. The NGO @givepowerfoundation has given more than 2,650 solar-powered energy systems to medical clinics, villages, and schools in 17 countries. They are now focusing on the most important use of sustainable energy, which is clean water. Source: Designboom (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #kenya #africa #waterfiltration #NGO #children #desalination #cleanwater

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη The Happy Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast) στις

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The Zero Carbon bill aims to tackle climate change by setting a net-zero target for almost all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Zero Carbon bill aims to tackle climate change by setting a net-zero target for almost all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Prime minister Jacinda Ardern said she sometimes despairs at the pace at which other countries are making changes to fight global warming and vowed that New Zealand would be a leader. The New Zealand government has also promised to plant a billion trees over 10 years and ensure the electricity grid runs entirely from renewable energy by 2035. Source: Independent (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #newzeland #zeroemissions #zerocarbon #co2 #climatechange #globalwarming


Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη The Happy Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast) στις

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This is the kind of news that warms our heart .⁣ - Drop a 🐨 in the comments to celebrate! - Tag in the comments one of your friends that needs some good news Numerous bushfires have been wreaking havoc in Australia, affecting both residents and wildlife. As a result of the fires, wildlife hospitals have seen a huge influx of animals, and they are struggling to keep up with the demand for supplies. Many of these rescued koalas (over $75,000) are now being treated for burns on their paws. As a means of protecting the critters’ paws from sustaining further injury, Australians have been encouraging crafty activists to send handmade mittens to their animal hospitals. For instance, a group of Dutch knitting enthusiasts from the Quilt Shop 100 in the Netherlands has already crafted more than 400 pairs of mittens for an Australian koala hospital. The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital has also been raising money for their koala treatments, as well as other Australian wildlife organizations. Since launching a GoFundMe campaign last month, they have surged past their original goal and raised almost $2 million for their rescue efforts. Source: GNN (link in bio, find out how to donate too) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #australia #koala #donation #charity #help #bushfires #wildlife #danger #mittens

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη The Happy Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast) στις

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You all know how much I love Africa and it’s strong and fierce people and this is another example of strength and love. Theresa Kachindamoto (so formidable, she has been nicknamed “The Terminator”!) was determined to take a stand against the tradition which took teenage girls and made them wives and mothers long before the age of 18. Kachindamoto used her chief role to nullify more than 1500 child marriages since 2017, sending the girls who were married off before being able to complete their education back to school. She took a bold step towards ending poverty in Malawi, where a 2017 UN statistic suggested that about 45% of young girls are unable to remain in school past eighth grade. Because of bold and brave leadership like this things may start to change. Art by the talented @samanthacurcio . Source: UN Women (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #africa #malawi #childmarriage #children #rights #education #action #school

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη The Happy Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast) στις

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A new gene editing technique called prime editing, tested in human and mouse cells, rewrites DNA by only cutting a single strand to add, remove, or replace base pairs. The method may allow researchers to edit more types of genetic mutations than existing genome-editing approaches such as CRISPR-Cas9. The technology, called prime editing, has been described as a "genetic word processor" able to accurately re-write the genetic code. It has been used to correct damaging mutations in the lab, including those that cause sickle cell anaemia. The team at the Broad Institute say it is "very versatile and precise", but stress the research is only starting. Source: BBC (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #dna #science #primeediting #scientist #USA #Broad

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη The Happy Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast) στις

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From next year, Italian school students in every grade will be required to study climate change and sustainability, in an attempt to position the country as a world leader in environmental education. All public schools will include about 33 hours a year in their curricula to study issues linked to climate change. Education Minister Lorenzo Fioramonti said "I want to make the Italian education system the first education system that puts the environment and society at the core of everything we learn in school”. Source: CNN (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #italy #school #education #sustainability #ecosystem #globalwarming #climatechange #cleanenergy

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη The Happy Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast) στις

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This is amazing good news! Drop a 🐋 in the comment section to celebrate! A key population of humpback whales is in recovery after it was pushed close to extinction by centuries of exploitation, according to a new study. Western South Atlantic humpbacks were reduced to a few hundred in the 1950s, after once totaling a number of 27,000. But efforts to preserve the animal have been rewarded, with numbers now estimated to stand at 25,000 and 93% of their pre-exploitation levels, a study published by the Royal Society reveals. The wider humpback whale species was devastated by whaling between the late 1700s and the mid-1900s -- with estimates that 300,000 of the animals were killed. This is good news. Despite all the killing that has happened, conservation efforts can have a positive impact and if you protect animals, this shows numbers can grow. Source: CNN Travel (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #humpback #whales #ocean #extinction #environment #whale

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη The Happy Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast) στις

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Sweden has rolled out several interesting new initiatives to tackle shortages of blood and keep its blood donors coming back to more consistent deposits. One approach that has caught the public’s attention is a service that sends donors a text message which tells them when their blood has been used. Donors will first receive a thank you message just after donating, but then later once their blood has been used to help another person, the donors are informed of that momentous moment. The service says the positive feedback to the donor about how they’ve helped out a fellow citizen encourages them to donate again. Source: TOC (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #sweden #blood #blooddonation #science #research #innovation #giveblood #payitforward

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη The Happy Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast) στις

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As rainforests burn and desertification spreads, a massive and utopian project is underway in one of the most environmentally degraded parts of the world — and it could serve as a model for saving the planet. The Great Green Wall, which has the support of 20 countries in Africa, aims to plant trees and restore landscapes across one of the widest sections of Africa — an area known as the Sahel that stretches 8,000 kilometers, or 5,000 miles — creating a “wall” of verdant ecosystems in the process. The Great Green Wall is about more than restoring degraded land. It’s about revitalizing communities and fostering sustainable economies, with the understanding that a healthy environment is the bedrock of any healthy society. Source: Global Citizen (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #africa #greenwall #rainforest #desert #climatechange #wall #ecosystem #economy

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη The Happy Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast) στις

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Young LGBT+ people are at least three times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers, according to 35 studies from 10 countries collated by researchers in 2018. The advent of gay marriage has cut suicide rates among lesbians and gay men in Sweden and Denmark, both early adopters of gay marriage.
Over two compared periods, from 2003 to 2016 and 1989 to 2002, researchers found that suicides fell 46% for people in same-sex unions. Legislation that promotes LGBT+ rights may reduce the risk of suicide - even for those who are not yet old enough to wed. Love is love and everyone should be free to love and desire whoever they want, no matter which sex or gender anyone has or chooses. Source: Reuters (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #lgbtq+ #lgbtq #samesex #gayrights #suicide #suicideprevention #sweden #denmark #loveislove

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη The Happy Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast) στις

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Rome is trying to become more environmentally friendly by offering free metro tickets to travelers who re-cycle plastic bottles using machines set up in three of the Italian capital’s stations. The initiative, which was launched in July, has proved so popular that 350,000 bottles have been recycled. It will soon be extended across the metro network and run until July 2020, the city’s public transport company ATAC says. Rome is the first capital city in the European Union to launch the scheme in metro stations. Similar schemes have already been adopted in Beijing and Istanbul. Source: Reuters (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #rome #recycling #plastic #metro #climatechange #italy #europe #noplastic

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη The Happy Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast) στις

Πληροφορίες: mymodernmet.com

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E-Daily.gr Τα νέα της ημέρας και ό,τι σου κάνει κλικ!      Επειδή η ζωή έχει τη δική της ατζέντα!

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