Τι θα γινόταν αν η μπουγάτσα απαγορευόταν;
Αυτή είναι η ταινία μικρού μήκους που περιγράφει την εποχή της Μπουγατσοαπαγόρευσης...

Μια ταινία που περιγράφει τι θα γινόταν αν μια μέρα απαγορεύονταν η μπουγάτσα!
Περιγραφή από ΥouΤube:
The film takes place in Thessaloniki, in an orwellian society where the Party has banned the popular local food bougatsa, as part of the plan to make Thessaloniki an undistinguished piece of land of the Realm of Athens. During these tough and dark days, a rebellious group, "The Bougatsistas", produces and trades bougatsa illegally in order to keep the people's spirit awakened and revolutionary. For bougatsa is not just a food... It's Thessaloniki's symbol of freedom...
The film was made by students of the Department of Journalism and Mass Media Communication, of τηε Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, during a project for the course "Travel Journalism, Communication and Social Media", taught by Fani Galatsopoulou and Clio Kenterelidou.
The film was produced for non commercial reasons.
We do not own the copyrights of the songs.
Copyright 2013
CAST (in order of appearance)
Dimitris Kalliontzis
Babis Batmanidis
Christos Filippou
Christos Goudas
Thanos Kamilalis
Alexandros Tselepis
George Theodoridis
Ioanna Papaioannou
Thomas Routsis
Dimitris Ginos
Dimitra Tsalkitzoglou
Hara Kalliontzi
Michael Kampachtsidis
George Lentzas
Polina Peristeropoulou
Argiris Kourtidis
Dione Tegou
Sofia Tsimtsiou
George Chatzis
Anastasia Panaretou
Extra special thanks to Nikitas Diamantopoulos, for the translation and for the idea of the police men's toilet scene.