Το Hollywood αποχαιρετά την Carrie Fisher στα social media
Τι έγραψαν οι Mark Hamill, Billy Dee Williams, Dan Aykroyd και πολλοί ακόμα

Η διάσημη ηθοποιός Carrie Fisher, διάσημη για τον ρόλο της Πριγκίπισσας Λέια στη πασίγνωστη σειρά ταινιών Star Wars, έσβησε σήμερα σε ηλικία 60 ετών, στο νοσοκομείο όπου νοσηλευόταν μετά από καρδιακή προσβολή που υπέστη πριν από τέσσερις ημέρες.
Αστραπιαία τα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης κατακλύστηκαν από μηνύματα φίλων και θαυμαστών. Ανάμεσά τους ξεχωρίσαμε τα μηνύματα μερικών σημαντικών και αγαπημένων συναδέλφων της:
"She was Princess Leia to the world but a special friend to all of us. We will miss her dearly." -Kathleen Kennedy https://t.co/E96OuqnFQL pic.twitter.com/lr0rm0sRxc
— Star Wars (@starwars) December 27, 2016
no words #Devastated pic.twitter.com/R9Xo7IBKmh
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) December 27, 2016ΔΙΑΦΗΜΙΣΗ
I'm deeply saddened at the news of Carrie's passing. She was a dear friend, whom I greatly respected and admired. The force is dark today!
— Billy Dee Williams (@realbdw) December 27, 2016
I thought I had got what I wanted under the tree. I didn't. In spite of so many thoughts and prayers from so many. I am very, very sad.
— Anthony Daniels (@ADaniels3PO) December 27, 2016
"Our beautiful brilliant funny wise kind and generous Blues Sister -so ironic - Xmas was Carrie's favorite thing next to babies."
— Dan Aykroyd (@dan_aykroyd) December 27, 2016ΔΙΑΦΗΜΙΣΗ
I'm deeply saddened to learn of the death of Carrie Fisher. I will miss our banterings. A wonderful talent & light has been extinguished.
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) December 27, 2016
Carrie Fisher was smart, funny, talented, surprising, and always a hell of a fun time to be around. Family Guy will miss her immensely.
— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) December 27, 2016
Carrie Fisher wore glitter in her hair. When I said I liked it, she ran her fingers through it and lobbed a handful at me. #TheGreatest ?? pic.twitter.com/T7NWGdJp8w
— Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) December 27, 2016ΔΙΑΦΗΜΙΣΗ
Carrie Fisher didn't make it. I am so terribly sorry, and send my sincere condolences to her family, friends and fans all around the world.
— Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) December 27, 2016